Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Job, ETA 83 hours

Well, I'm starting a new job on Monday, and I've been working pretty hard at reading up for it. I'm not really well versed in many programming languages, so I've been reading about the ones I'm gonna use. Tcl/Tk for one sounds Ok, I've never used a scripting language with a regular compiled language before. Should be interesting.

Also, I got the book CODE COMPLETE, which is completely kicking my ass, in all general respects of programming (in any language). If you are a developer, you DEFINITELY need to read this book, it will give you years of insight into design, writing highly readable and functional programs, and, well, I'm sure there's a lot more to it. But the design suggestions are worth noting. Apparently, it's been a best-seller amongst software developers.

Back to the books, gotta get used to Tcl, it's a bit strange.

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